Hendrik Heyns, Executive Head: Risk and Projects at Brolink, is highly motivated, passionate and inspires those around him. He enjoys strategy, pioneering and unstructured problem solving.
He has worked in the short term insurance industry for over fifteen years and has gained invaluable experience, drawing on and learning from those around him. He reached a high maturity level much earlier on in life by overcoming obstacles and dealing with the emotions attached to such obstacles.
Passionate about the insurance industry and the people in it, Heyns thrives on expounding the value of insurance to those with whom he comes into contact. Heyns also knows the value of collaboration within and across industries. He participates at board level of the South African Credit & Risk Reporting Association (SACRRA) and is currently a director of the Insurance Systems Providers Forum (iSPF).
Topic: Evolution requires agility
If one were to consider comparing players in the insurance industry to boxers, a traditional player would be considered the champion boxer edging closer to retirement and the insure-tech player would be the youthful challenger to the title. The challenger has speed, enthusiasm, bravado and energy on their side. The champion has experience, determination, muscle memory and a culture of winning. Should they battle it out, it will be glorious to watch and hard to determine who will win. Now consider if they were to partner in training.Both would benefit immensely from the partnership if they were open to learning from each other. The key for the experienced boxer though is to become agile in order to keep the pace and my discussion will focus on agility.
Watch Hendrik’s presentation titled: ‘Evolution requires agility’